Monday, November 3, 2008

Bah Humbug

That's right, Christmas Eve is 1 month and 21 days away! At least try to do something nice to some random person you see who needs help. For example, give up your MRT seat to an old lady or a pregnant woman etc. etc. I'm not saying it'll work but someone in the heavens will notice and perhaps a miracle will happen. For those of you who are non-Christian, I promise you that you will not get coal as a present. (Unless your relatives are really that mean but also have a sense of humor) My who's present to get list:
1) Amanda's birthday (if she has a party. Ditto to everyone else's birthday. Although Yan and me are gonna give something special for Amanda if we can find it)
2) Shar's birthday (if this is Shar, YOU OWE ME FOUR PRESENTS!!!)
3) Shelby's birthday

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