Saturday, October 17, 2009

Late Update

Hello! I seriously don't care about you, I just want to write whatever I want to on the internet and make it look pretty. So, i'm not going to apologize for being late and not updating etc. Anyway, i'll be keeping the blog quite alive since exams are over and I will be given the freedom of boredom. (Although they still have to give back the rest of our exam papers plus crying, enrichment activities and we even have lessons! About next year! OMG! So excited! With a project and tests too! Ahhhh! If you can, try to detect the sarcasm.) Oh yeah, stupid MAC and its undownloadable games, and its exe that cannot be played but must be dmg or whatever, so I cannot play the new(although probably not new anymore..) cooking dash: dinertown studios and Avenue Flo :( So sad...

Went out with Victoria and Amanda to shop and watch Julie and Julia the movie today. I didn't buy anything except for food because my fashion standard is too high for you pathetic Singaporeans :) Stopped by Juicy Couture who actually stocks Bird (the new line for the urban chic people) that I thought because Singapore is such a tiny pathetic country, wouldn't have, but they did, so, surprised. Went to Kino after that where Vic bought two magazines with my 10% discount membership card and her $10 voucher even though in the end it only cost $9.63 and they should actually owe her a forty cent voucher!

Walked to Wisma (which has Haagen Dazs now!) to meet Amanda and window-sidetracking at Marc Jacobs, Christian Louboutin etc. Lady asked us whether we could do a survey about some advertising thing but I was on the phone and Vic rejected her. So I went back to be nice and we did like 7/8 of the survey before she asked us what was our age and found out we had to be 15 to enter or whatever... Anyway, met Amanda and went to Forever 21. (who's website is really boring and all the stuff is practically the same)Tried out the dress that looked like the black and white LaRok one Krysten Ritter wore at ELLE Magazine’s 15th Annual “Women in Hollywood” Tribute as seen here:
but it was a large and the white part was loose and low although it was $33 so I think i'll go back to the Forever 21 at ION or something and buy the small size. Amanda bought a scarf I think...

Walked through Charles & Keith, Aldo, Nine West etc. for Amanda's shoes and she almost wanted to buy a bag from Miss Selfridges. Had a Starbucks rest where I wasted $2.25 on a Choc Frap because I was full. Vic has no idea what an Espresso is and rarely goes to Starbucks to understand which drinks are cold and hot:) Went to the Topshop and Mango at Isetan where Amanda bought a pretty purple bag and Vic bought tights at Topshop. Went back to Aldo I think, to buy Amanda's electric purple shoes that complimented her purple bag:) Walked to Ion because we wanted to eat Ramen(and there's this new cafe that sells macaroons :)) which was practically next door and guess who we saw??? Our very own "wonderful example" of a principal, Mrs Loh!!! and Ms Lin (the young one with the braces) wearing a very tight, very low cut, very short, white dress. HAHA!

Didn't bother to go eat Ramen so we decided to take the Underpass to CK Tang and grab a free shuttle bus to Great World. Since it was downstairs, I decided to sidetrack to the massive Topshop which has WAY more stuff than the one in Wisma and Amanda got pretty pissed cos we could have shopped there:)

Okay, went to Great World, bought Sour Cream & Onion pretzel (which Vic has NEVER eaten before because she is deprived of everything good in the world), nachos with cheese, coke, hotdog,tickets etc. and watched Julie & Julia!! Yay! I found it really good, but Vic thought it was kind of boring and vague.. But I think it was because I read the book and understood what Nora Ephron(a genius) was trying to convey and anyway, its hard to have a connection between Julie Powell and Julia Child when their so different in real life and the only thing that's bonding them is their love for food and cooking. I found that Nora did a good effort of trying to link them together and the food and cooking made up for all the other "vagueness" anyway :)

Then Vic left and Amanda and I walked around until we bought yogurt from WhyYogurt downstairs that wasn't too bad except it was $4.20 but the portions were worth it I guess...

Amanda's mom sent me back and 15 minutes later, Vic and I had to go for dinner with Xiao Yi and Yi Yi at Prive Bakery Cafe where I ate 3 mini wagyu beef burgers with caramelized onions, truffled mushrooms and cheese respectively and an apple crumble that wasn't warmed enough. Oh yeah, and i wanted to try Vic's Vanilla Chocolate Twist but at then he bit it and I tried to grab it but it fell on the floor :( I feel like such a failure now :( Now i'm here though, writing my thoughts and days and....shit....

Have a nice night!