Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recent Living

Yes! It rained today! Just when I was having tennis! No offense to those tennis and sun lovers. Oh, and if you haven't been to my house recently, my old refrigerator has been exposed of and there's a massively huge one that is now jutting out into the middle of the kitchen because it cant fit into the space between our cupboards(or eating-on-impulse-hoard) But the new one is cool. Anyway, we might be hacking the cupboards so there's space for the fridge. By the way, i'm leaving to Shanghai for the holidays, then Hong Kong, probably then USA and finally Christmas in Phuket where we are staying in a villa, an hour away from all our cousins. So, I wont be updating much. But hopefully, my brother will post the pictures on facebook and I will steal it and post it here. Next year.
Happy Holidays!