Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holidays and all

28th Nov:Bought "For Nice Girls Who Like Stuff" Eau de Traveler with the Cupcake charm as an early Christmas present from my mom in the airport.
In Shanghai.
29th Nov:Bought Gossip Girl Season 2, Waitress and A Good Year DVD.
Spent the rest of the day watching 2 and a half Gossip Girl CDs.
Watched some Chinese opera that I only could understand cause I read the English pamphlet after dinner.
30th Nov:Finished watching Gossip Girl and Waitress.
1st Dec:In Hong Kong. I'm sure most of you have heard about the sad news of the closing down of Krispy Kreme. Of course, being a devoted buyer, I wore my Krispy Kreme T-shirt and hat. Stood at the invisible beloved donut shop looking angry. Vic took a picture for me. But it's really bad cause he took it at the back and you cant see the shirt and my pissed off face.
Attempt to eat Antibiotic pills to help my hurting jaw.
Mostly failed.
Watched Little Britain and Simpsons on Vic's laptop.
2nd Dec:Lunch at the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
They renovated.
Causeway Bay-->Bauhaus. Vic and mom bought a few stuff. I bought a hat.-->Izzue( Vic bought something but I cant remember cause I was busy playing Parking Lot on my mom's iPhone-->Supermarket. I bought a Coke Light Lemon.-->Mannings. To buy QV Cream and cough syrup for me but the pharmacist wasnt there until 5.-->Some jewelry shop. I bought a rose ring and a necklace.-->Mannings. Bought aforementioned objects.-->Home-->Hair Salon. Vic and I washed and cut our hair.-->Home-->Die Jiu restaurant for dinner-->Home-->Shower-->Some more Little Britain-->Sleep.
3rd Dec: Woke up at 9.30am.
Stayed in bed until 1.45pm.
Ate breakfast/small lunch.
Clearwater Bay Club with my aunt and Vic.
Aunt is playing tennis.
Vic is in the gym.
But i'm still here!
I will try to keep you updated. and buy stuff for you of course.


Ha! Spotted:An old american couple outside a Sex Shop(in that stripper club place near Palais Renaissance or P.S. Cafe) and "admiring" their goods.And you thought they were just pathetically and reluctantly old. Here's a few questions you should find the answers to. It'll be easier to infer from this rare sighting:
1. What are they doing there?
2. Will they buy anything?
3. If they will, what are they going to buy?
4. Are they doing the 364 952nd thing to do before they die?(experimenting new methods of doing it by buying sex equipment?)
5. Perhaps they're just tourists who are lost...
Please ponder and tell your inferences.